Meet our alumni Ariq Mansur (Class of 2010), Alavi Khondoker (Class of 2010) and Zahia Khondoker (Class of 2009). The “Hawk Express” team interviewed them with some interesting questions! Let’s get to read about them and their fashion e-commerce company Strides Co !
📍 What’s your favorite memory from ISD?
Ariq: There are plenty! One would be when Mr. Rao introduced us to the tv show “The Office!”
Alavi: I was at ISD from 1999 to 2010 so it’s very difficult to mention any specific memory. But chilling in Mr. Rao’s classes was pretty fun. Other than that, lunchtime football is always a fond memory.
Zahia: I always doubted myself in middle school. But slowly but surely, I managed to break down those walls and these moments that have ultimately become some of my favorite memories. From winning the Design & Technology award in Grade 8, being First at Hurdles during Sports Day to scoring 7s in Economics – I realized my potential and ability to accomplish things I never thought I would be able to. What I treasure the most are the fun times during school trips and grabbing coffee in the student lounge with friends who have now become like family.
📍 What are some achievements you’ve made so far?
Ariq: During the early years of my professional career, right after graduating from college, I secured a job as a UX designer in New York. It was always a dream of mine to live there. I have opened 2 companies with my 2 best friends. Strides Co, fashion e-commerce, and Devour limited is an up-and-coming cloud kitchen that started Hungry Rooster, Pimentos to name a few brands. We have just recently secured our first pre-seed funding for Strides.
Alavi: Since ISD, I did my BSc in Accounting for Management at Aston University (Birmingham, UK), where I did a one-year internship at Barclays Bank as part of a sandwich course. Afterward, I did an MSc in Finance & Accounting at the Imperial College London (UK). Around 2015, I moved back to Bangladesh and worked in the RMG industry for around 5 years, and now we are co-founders of a fashion e-commerce company ‘Strides Co,’ with my best friend from our 2010 batch Ariq, and my sister Zahia from the ISD class of 2009.
Zahia: Starting a fashion e-commerce business with my brother Alavi & and friend Ariq and growing it organically over the years despite constant setbacks is definitely an achievement I’m proud of. Being able to start something brand new and watching the seeds prosper has been an incredible and life-changing experience. Other than that, academically, I’m proud of the work I put in to achieve a First Class Honours in Economics during my BSc at Aston University (UK) and completing my MSc in Economics & Strategy from Imperial College (UK).
📍 How has ISD shaped you into the person that you are?
Ariq: Being in an international school for half of my life. It has helped me communicate with people from different backgrounds. Also, It has expanded my horizon, which helped me network with people during my college years.
Alavi: IB definitely does give you an edge once you go to University, and prepares you well for future jobs or even running your own venture. Moreover, the well-roundedness of ISD helps one attain a wide variety of skills that can shape you for all future challenges.
Zahia: The opportunities at ISD helped me become a resilient, hard-working, and determined individual. We learned a bit of everything that the world has to offer, which made us into dynamic global citizens and enabled us to discover our strengths and passions. I’m grateful for the wonderful teachers who have supported us throughout. The IB in particular has equipped us with a diverse skill set needed to be successful at university and onwards.
📍 And lastly, do you have any advice for the students currently studying in ISD?
Ariq: High school is the best time of your life. Do consume as my knowledge as possible. Being a stand-out IB student will help you a lot during the early years of college. Always be good to your classmates, you never know who they might become in the future. Having good connections always helps no matter who you are.
Alavi: Work hard and be persistent with your efforts towards reaching your goals. Value your friends, they might just stick around for 20 years.
Zahia: Keep investing in yourself and never hesitate to take on a challenge. The worst thing that can happen is nothing, and the best could change your life.