Service in Action

Recently, Grade 4 students visited Bookworm to purchase 20 new books for the Rohingya Refugees. Books were carefully selected for different age groups of beginning readers of English books. The students considered their favorite authors and tried to find books that had many

The Enigmatic Charm of the Secret Reader

As a hidden figure behind the stage, the Secret Reader represents the mystery and diversity of storytelling traditions across different cultures. The anticipation of discovering who the reader is mirrors the curiosity inherent in exploring and understanding various cultural narratives. This activity encourages

ISD Strategic Planning Update

Last week a group of 27 stakeholders from the school leadership, staff, parents and students made an excellent start in beginning the next ISD Strategic Plan. Under the guidance of our partners from ISS, Mr Tom Hawkins and Mr Steve Plisinski, the Core

Bishwa Ijtema

On the next day of Bishwa Ijtema, Sunday 11 February, school will operate on campus. We will again dismiss classes at 12:15pm as a precautionary measure in case of traffic congestion in the afternoon This decision is based on the preference for on