Meet our alumni Zaiba Tahyya, Class of 2009. She was interviewed by one of our twelfth graders, Safa Islam. Let’s get to read about our alumna!
⚡️ Favorite memory from ISD?
Zaiba: There are way too many. I remember a very specific one which was something very little with a very big impact. I remember in tenth grade, we had to do a “Beep Test” during PE (Physical Education). I was one of the worst PE students and was super demotivated. For some odd reason that day, I lasted quite long from my group, and I remember my friends and the PE teacher cheering me on. That made all the difference. I have no idea why but every time I want to give up, whatever situation— I always go back to that particular day. A small gesture of encouragement goes a long way.
⚡️ What are some achievements you’ve made so far?
Zaiba: Ever since I graduated from university, I moved back to Bangladesh and started my own organization called Female Empowerment Movement (FEM). Through our projects and campaigning, we aimed to tackle violence against women in urban slums in Dhaka. We had some impact and were recognized internationally and nationally through awards (I met the queen of England in 2018!) and media coverage. Some of our projects are still being replicated. I am now doing a postgraduate degree in Human Rights Law at SOAS, the University of London to further expand my knowledge.
⚡️ How has ISD shaped you into the person that you are?
Zaiba: ISD made me more versatile with skills. There were times when I was pushed out of my comfort zone to build new skill sets outside academia. It also definitely made me more disciplined. I still think if I don’t make it somewhere on time, I might be sent back home for the day.
⚡️ Lastly, do you have any advice for the students currently studying in ISD?
Zaiba: Take it easy when doing IB since teachers scare us (with good intention) about how difficult it was, and we are constantly stressed. I’d also say take advantage of all the resources provided, it goes a long way, and we are one of the very lucky ones to have that access. Keep in touch with all your friends. These are the kind of friendships that would last a lifetime! And lastly, CAS is not a joke. Colleges love CAS and all kinds of extra activities. Do them well and seriously!
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