Trips & Excursions
School trips are a big part of our school calendar. We actively look for authentic opportunities for our students to better understand the country we live in and how it functions. A great example would be when our Grade 3’s visit a local charity to see how crafts are made to sell and support single mothers in their unit on ‘How We Organize Ourselves’ or when our Nursery class take a trip to a local farm to find out where fresh produce comes from in their unit on ‘Sharing The Planet’’. We also look to instill independence in our students prior to their ‘Week Without Walls’ trips in Secondary by taking them in Grade 4 to Gazipur and in Grade 5 to Sylhet on overnight excursions.
Week Without Walls is a full week of experiential learning and service for grades 6, 8 and 10. All trips engage the students in real world learning situations and help them building their social and emotional skills. Students also undertake summative assessments as a direct result of the learning that occurs during the week.