Early Acceptances
Shaira Mostofa
Meet Shaira Mostofa from the Class of 2022, who got early decision acceptance in New York University, one of the top universities in the United States!
- How long have you been at ISD?
Since playgroup- my first and last school - Why New York University?
To me, NYU is a vibrant, exciting, and inspiring hub of possibility— A place that harbors eccentric, like-minded people from all over the world; and full of unique academic and professional opportunities I wouldn’t find elsewhere. It’s a great institution with passionate professors and unique classes exclusive to the university, which is especially exciting for me. And of course, being in the heart of one of the most influential metropolises in the world only heightens my eagerness to pursue my aspirations. - What attributes of the IB Learner Profile do you believe you best exhibited at ISD? What attributes do you foresee continuing to work on in university?
I remember being nominated for the Open-Mindedness award in primary school a lot. Does that count? I’ve always loved meeting new people and seeking to understand their perspectives, ideas, and diverse backgrounds. As I enter new spaces to have intelligent discussions with people of different worldviews, I’ll continue to work on being a better communicator for university. - What advice do you have for the Grade 11s currently building their lists of universities?
Start brainstorming and writing your essays early! And don’t stress out if they aren’t perfect first-try. Grade 12 is a rollercoaster, and juggling university applications on top of your towering responsibilities is harder than it looks. Spend more time figuring out what’s truly meaningful to you, and what you really want to embody in your essay: it truly makes a difference when the time comes for your admissions officers to look at your application. Essays are the one component where you have full control and have your voice finally be heard—so really giving yourself the space (without all your terrifying IA deadlines) to do that really helps. - Describe your senior years in three words.
Change and growth.
Shout out to our college counselors for guiding our students to pursue their dreams!
#WeAreISD #Classof2022