Sharing Stories
The children in Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten were inquiring into the importance of stories. They listened to many traditional stories and talked about the similarities and differences between them.
They noticed that stories could be about sharing real life experiences or they could be based on imagination. Either way, stories carry a message or something the audience can learn. The children then started to make their own stories and to do this they learned about the structure of stories: a beginning, middle and end.
- Aarham and Abrar create and present stories using puppets
- Tazkia and Ferhan re-telling the story of the Hungry Caterpillar using a story sack
- Bradley and Cian created their own stories using felt story boards
- Nowshin and Sahan enjoy the story of the Hungry Caterpillar using the story sack
- Rixt and Mati re-telling the story of Goldilocks using stuffed toys and props
- Joy telling his story with puppets
- Ayat enjoys reading a storybook
- PKM pretending to be Dragons looking for Snow people to eat
At the beginning of the story the main character is introduced. We find out where they are and what they are doing.
In the middle, suddenly something happens. The character sees, hears, feels, smells something or they have an idea and then the character reacts.
In the end balance is restored to the character’s feelings and everybody has learned something.
The children created their own stories and shared them in many ways and ultimately used their imagination to collaboratively create the story of “The Magical Trip” in Drama class which was filmed and presented in their Unit Celebration.
The children were Risk-Takers at every step in finding courage to share their stories with an audience, using different character voices and wearing costumes, acting in ways that were not natural to them. They also demonstrated empathy while playing the game of Hot Seat. The game “Hot Seat” involves children assuming character roles from a familiar story. Other children ask them questions that helped them understand that character’s perspective. The game promotes a deeper understanding of the characters being interviewed and allows us to see how deeply the children connected with the character they portrayed.
Ms. Minnat Khan
PKM-KGM Teacher