Virtual Learning In Playgroup
In Playgroup virtual learning was challenging, however, gradually we have started getting used to this mode of learning and making friends with each other. Over these months the children have consistently shown a positive attitude towards learning, and are always keen to catch on new rhymes and stories.
We are beginning to name and identify the basic shapes and colors. We enjoyed having a color day. Children wore different primary-colored clothes and did color hunt activity. They are now confident in sorting out by colors. We are also learning about opposites like day/ night, hot/cold, big/small, etc. besides this we are also discussing wild/ farm animals. Although we couldn’t set up a jungle in our classroom this year, and go for a field trip, we are enjoying doing the craft work and singing rhymes with our parents & teachers.
- Sorting out by colors
- Learning about yellow
- We know about emotions (happy / sad)
- Opposite -day/ night
- Celebrated the 1st day of spring & Valentine’s day
- Role play- wearing sunglasses on a hot day
Every day is a new challenge for us in Playgroup, and we thank our parents and caregivers for all the support and cooperation to overcome these demanding times ensuring that our learning is successful. We miss our school and wish we all can play and meet each other soon.
Rosetta Halder
ISD Playgroup Teacher