World Cup Fever

The FIFA World Cup is an event that comes around every 4 years and it is eagerly anticipated by millions, even billions of fans worldwide! It is the time that we laugh, celebrate and even cry. Some of my most fond memories from my childhood revolve around football and the World Cup really is the cherry on the cake. 

With the politics behind this year’s World Cup, we should also not forget about the large amounts of people who have lost their lives building these state art stadiums for what is 4 weeks of football. It kind of puts us, or at least me in my thinking, in an awkward position, where I really want to enjoy the spectacle, but also know that like other World Cups prior, not all is as it should be. 

Although the matches are on very late, to stay attuned to what is going on in the wider world of sport is something that allows you to connect to. Sports are a global language and football, soccer or the beautiful game, is a language so many speak. 

I’d like to wish everyone an enjoyable FIFA World Cup ahead and if England does not win, then may the best team win!


Mr. David
Primary Principal